The coolest thing i did this summer, hands down, was ride the Paiute Trail with a couple buddies over the span of three days. i usually do a lot of fun things in the summer, but this year was lacking except for this trip which we all try to do every summer. it worked out great because we used it as an extended bachelor party for the big guy. basically, this trail is a network of one trail with hundreds of side trails that wraps around central Utah and goes from desert to mountain tops. our trip lasts three days and covers over 250 miles of dirt, mud, gravel, and some small portions of paved roads.
Day 1. we start in a town called Aurora in central Utah about 30 miles east of Scipio. we load up our quads with our gear, some food, and plenty of fluids and hit the trail. we ride for about seven hours til we get to the Big Rock Candy Mountain motel and restaurant. Apparently there is a country song about this place... i'll find it and add a link. we enjoy a fantastic dinner at the restaurant, take showers, and pretty much go to bed. after a long day of bouncing, vibrating, and teeth chattering trail riding, one's body is done for!
Day 2. we wake up as soon as our bodies will let us and with a few ibuprofen and some gas station snacks for breakfast, we're on the trail again. this day goes from the lower elevation desert to mountain tops of about 11,000 feet in less than two hours. switchbacks and climbing mountains fill the day. dropping into little towns with only one gas station or not even a stop light or a population smaller than my high school graduating class is a real good time to get a feel for small town living. my favorite town is Koosharem. tiny and full of character. a gas station, a post office, and a general store (all in one building) lie at the town's center. you can still pump the gas first, then you have to go inside and tell them how much you pumped. i always stop at the Koosharem Cafe for some great home cooking.
Day 3. after camping out the night before on the edge of a gorgeous lake, its time to hit the trail again. today's ride is only about six hours but filled with just as much bridge jumping, river rinsing, dirt eating, and white-knuckling as the other two. by the time we get back to the car, our bodies are pretty much useless. soreness creeps in making us realize we had muscles we never knew about before.
four wheeler rentals: $600
food and lodging: $250+
sun block: $25
memories with amazing friends to last a lifetime: PRICELESS
See you on the trail next year!!
p.s. couldnt get the link to the song, but you can find it on youtube. just type in big rock candy mountain!